More Professorial Pride: On Abortion in Israel, and the Anarchistiker Hasidim

Gershom Gorenberg

Two more thought-provoking reports from my students at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism  have just been published:

  • Simone Gorrindo’s article on the Israeli version of the abortion debate is now up at Tablet. The argument is quieter here, perhaps, but not less intense. And naturally, it’s laden with extra helpings of history, nationalism and a dolop of Holocaust.
  • Ben Preston has followed his earlier article on Nach-Nachs with an audio slide show at GlobalPost (the international news site created by the inimitable Charles Sennott).

The only thing better than nachas is more nachas.


1 thought on “More Professorial Pride: On Abortion in Israel, and the Anarchistiker Hasidim”

  1. I do not see why a group which provides money for the support of a new born should be labeled “anti-choice.” Pluralism can augment choice. Behind the choice may be principles I do not share, but that is what pluralism is; principle underlying choice is distinct from choice as outcome, and choice as outcome may one day ride another principle.

    I enjoyed both pieces.

    Perhaps one should nachas one’s enemies (making a noun a verb, as one can do without penalty of law in English), thereby irritating said enemies–and one’s allies.

    But choose such nachas carefully.

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